Tara is the great Liberatress of the Buddhist tradition. Tara is not a Goddess, She [...]
So you’ve been working with Mantras for a while now, maybe you are working on [...]
Often times, after people have been chanting awhile, they feel ready to take on a [...]
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An Ishta Devi is your personal image of the Divine Presence. For some people, this [...]
So my mother finally passed on the 15th and it was a bittersweet moment. I [...]
The story goes, that at the beginning of time, shortly after the creation of the [...]
About seventeen years ago, I was driving into New York City from Connecticut. It was [...]
For anyone who has been meditating awhile and has been tempted to give up the [...]
Oftentimes, we are saddled in this life with a challenging problem like an eating issue [...]
When we feel cluttered in our space where we meditate and do our Mantra practices, [...]
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